In February 2017 the IMOS Foundation undertook the care of the abandoned Hope All Saints ruined church on Romney Marsh. The three acre site is agricultural land and was romantic but had been neglected for long by the Romney Marsh Historic Churches Trust and Historic England.
During the subsequent months the moat was cleared of weeds and four bridges, one including artwork, were erected to improve access to the church. The idea was to create a Memorial Garden and Heritage Site for the enjoyment of interested parties
We conducted 35 guided tours in the first year. We have now conducted more than two hundred including one for art students from Canterbury College who are hoping to add to the artworks being installed. Tours have also been enjoyed by two interfaith groups, art and photographic societies, history groups, the Kent Humanists and several from the Diocese of Canterbury. The tours are entirely free and can be arranged simply by making a phone call to the charity.
Inspired by the word HOPE the idea arose to work with its natural optimism and to use the widest possible meaning of the word ALL in All Saints. Accordingly sculptures of saints of every kind are invited for this inclusive and original project.
Those who have benefitted humanity in art, science, philosophy medicine, agriculture or in any other way no matter what their religion, race or country of origin will be considered for the collection as also traditional saints with local relevance.
Already in place are a replica of the original Sanctus Bell in clay, an antique iron crucifix, St George and the Dragon, St Andrew of Scotland, St Agnes, St Gobnait, Patron Saint of Bees, a Quaker Light Sculpture and two figures of the Happy Human of Humanists UK.
More recently added works include Beethoven, Mozart, Sir Alexander Fleming, Nelson Mandela, Albert Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi, Confucius, Shakespeare, Sgt Stanislav Duszynski, Queen Zenobia, Scientists, Queens of England, Johannes Gutenberg and more. We have sited three benches for those quietly visiting what is still consecrated ground.
A QR Code trail will guide visitors around the site if they are not on a Free Guided Tour.
Volunteers and funding for maintenance of the site, mowing, weed removal, control of rabbits are needed. Artists are invited to submit ideas for further art works.