If you would like to get involved, join in and help with any of the programmes please contact us. We are always happy to hear from sculptors, artists, gardeners, builders, embroiderers, craftspeople, tapestry maker, volunteers, animal lovers and others.

The artworks are being installed and displayed with the help of both private and public donations and grants. If you would like to donate money, sponsor an art work, become a patron or plant a tree we would be delighted to hear from you.


An artwork can be fully understood with the eyes, with the mind and with the heart and may appeal to anyone regardless of their native language. In this way art helps to increase communication between different peoples. Human development is led by those courageous individuals who step out of their own familiar but necessarily restricted milieu to mature their vision and offer it to others. An artist’s contribution lies in an endeavour to express truths about the human condition while others may participate in business, politics or in large scale humanitarian projects such as those of the UN.